Optimize application performance with Elastic Log Monitoring

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Optimize your applications with Elastic Log Monitoring

If you want to guarantee an optimal user experience, it is important that you detect disruptions in a timely manner. With Elastic Observability you can see exactly how each network component is performing on a clear dashboard.

People should always have access to the applications they need to do their work well. Wherever they are. If you want to guarantee an optimal user experience, it is important that you see malfunctions in time, so that you can take action in time. This way you prevent applications from failing. With the AI-supported Elastic Observability solution, you can see exactly how each network component is performing on a clear dashboard.

If you don't want to have to keep putting out fires, visibility (observability) is crucial. But in a complex IT landscape with many users, applications and locations, it is not easy to oversee everything. How do you find out in time that something is about to go wrong somewhere?

Log monitoring is the answer. Within your IT infrastructure there are all kinds of sources that continuously generate valuable information about the operation and performance of systems. For example, applications and operating systems track user activities and errors. Cloud services also generate logs about, among other things, the use of storage capacity, computing power and events. Firewalls detect attempted intrusions and provide information about the presence of malware.

Quickly understand petabytes of log data

It is impossible for people to keep track of all that data. Within the Elastic Stack, Elastic Agent helps you collect, combine, and analyze petabytes of log data. If patterns emerge that indicate a failure is imminent or has already occurred, the system issues a warning. This allows IT administrators to intervene earlier.

In practice, log monitoring is mainly used to gain insight into:

  • Application performance: to minimize downtime and improve user experiences;
  • The complete infrastructure: by monitoring the landscape (including cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud), you can resolve disruptions in a timely manner;
  • Users: if a website has a longer loading time than intended, this prevents a good user experience. Seeing this in real time will help you address the root cause before the user can call the helpdesk;
  • Synthetic monitoring: by combining functions from the perspective of end users, availability and performance of applications are not compromised. An example of this is simulating user actions, such as filling out forms, navigating a website or performing specific actions within an application. This way you can quickly detect errors.

Puur Data helps

As an Elite Partner of Elastic, Puur Data can advise you on how to get the most benefit from the platform in your situation. In addition, Puur Data can help you with implementation and management, taking a lot of work off your hands.

Zuyderland Hospital

The Limburg Zuyderland Hospital is an example of an organization with a complex and geographically dispersed IT landscape. In healthcare, a lot depends on the availability of applications. IT management therefore uses Elastic Log Monitoring, which helps to prevent disruptions. Zuyderland is therefore less reactive. Bert Hausmans, head of the Care and Supporting Applications department, compares the solution with a thermometer. Just as it can measure whether a person has a fever, it can measure in a network whether there is a (threatening) malfunction. The result of this is that in many cases Zuyderland resolves problems without an end user even noticing they were there.

Want to know more about this? Then read here the full story about Zuyderland. Are you curious about what Puur Data can do for your organization? Then take Contact with us.

Knowing more?

Do you want to know more or do you have a question about the possibilities, call us +31 (0)88 – 7887 328, go to Contact or fill in the form below!

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