Get all the telemetry data from the PS4 At Puur Data's office there is a PS4 with a racing seat and F1 2017/2018. You get quite a lot of information during the…
With Big Data Analysis we realize proactive maintenance and minimal downtime. We call it Big Data in Industry, but actually with the segment 'industry' we mean every organization that…
With Big Data analysis we achieve a much higher ROI on our marketing. In the retail segment, competition is fierce. Every little detail can make all the difference. With the…
With Big Data analysis we do research much more efficiently. Healthcare is changing enormously. This results in a large number of new challenges that affect the quality of care and the experience…
Want to see for yourself what our BDaaS solution can do for you? Request a demo! We will show you how the solution works and what the possibilities are. We…
Download our Big Data project poster. Thinking about a Big Data project? There is a lot involved in making it a success. Before the actual project can start,…
Puur Data certified as Advanced Reseller Partner of Elastic EDE, July 17, 2019 – Data Analytics specialist Puur Data has been promoted to Advanced Reseller Partner of Elasticsearch, the highest achievable partner status.…
Collecting and analyzing data to gain valuable information. First of all, what is BDaaS? The exact definition varies quite a bit. Even Wikipedia does not have a definition at the time of writing.
The differences explained in brief. There is often confusion about the difference between Big Data analysis and Business Intelligence, but there are clear differences between the two. This page will shed light on…
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